Entries Closed

To register and start your entry, please see the categories below. If you have previously started an entry, please log in through the icon on the right-hand side of the tab bar.

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Laura Glenister on +44 (0)20 3953 2078 or email laura.glenister@emap.com

Entries are now closed for Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards. The winners will be announced at the award ceremony at Hilton London Bankside on 13 March 2024.

Open to any fashion brand or retailer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award recognises the most innovative project aimed specifically at reducing a company’s carbon footprint over the past 12 months. Judges will be looking for a clear strategy that incorporates relevant and achievable objectives, and evidence that these objectives have been met in part or in full. This category must be entered by a retailer or brand, but can include reference to a key supplier.

Please note that if you are a technology/software supplier, you must ask a partner retailer/brand to enter the project.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the initiative have clear aims and objectives?
  • Did it succeed in reducing the business’s carbon footprint?
  • Has it had demonstrable impact? How is success measured?

Open to any fashion brand or retailer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award recognises a traditional fashion retailer or brand that has made significant progress towards adopting a more circular business model over the past 12 months.

Judges will be looking for evidence that the company has eschewed a linear production model – which starts with new material, and ends with clothing being discarded in landfill – in favour of a more circular approach aimed at minimising waste and making the most of existing resources.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available
Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the initiative have clear aims and objectives?
  • Has the business made progress towards adapting a more circular business model?
  • Has it had demonstrable impact? How is success measured?

Open to any fashion brand or retailer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award will recognise the most effective marketing campaign run by or in collaboration with a fashion brand or retailer over the past 12 months, which tells the story of the brand’s sustainability journey in a creative and credible way.

For example, the campaign may have aimed to educate customers about the impact the fashion industry has on the environment or the treatment of workers in the supply chain – and ultimately to change the culture of over-consumption of fashion.

Judges will be looking for evidence that a campaign has cut through and achieved its aims of engaging with new and/or existing customers, as well as raising awareness of the importance of sustainability in fashion.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the campaign have clear aims and objectives?
  • Is this a strong, creative campaign that fits with your brand and target customers?
  • Did it succeed and drive engagement and/or awareness and/or sales?
  • Is it a market-leading campaign?
  • Did it offer something new?

Open to any fashion retailer or brand or any charitable organisation working in the fashion industry in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award will recognise the most effective initiative run by a fashion brand, retailer or charity working in the fashion space over the past 12 months that uses sustainable practices to benefit the wider community.

For example, the initiative could include the proceeds of a resale collection or a range made from more sustainable materials, being donated to charity.

Judges will be looking for evidence that this initiative has achieved its aims of raising money, awareness and/or support for the chosen cause, while using sustainable practices.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the initiative have clear aims and objectives?
  • Has it achieved its aims of raising money, awareness and/or support for the chosen cause?
  • Has the business used sustainable practices to benefit the wider community?
  • Has it had demonstrable impact? How is success measured?

Open to any fashion brand or retailer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award recognises the fashion brand or retailer that has made the most progress in improving its supply chain over the past 12 months, with reference to a specific initiative.

Judges will be looking for evidence that the company identified a critical issue in its supply chain and found a way to improve it, or eradicate the problem altogether. This may have been through a process of collaborating with one or more suppliers – for example, to monitor resource use and reduce waste, or to address concerns about working conditions; putting in place systems that improved transparency; or by investing in new technologies such as blockchain to solve a specific challenge.

The winning initiative will be able to clearly demonstrate positive outcomes.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the initiative have clear aims and objectives?
  • Has the business made progress towards improving or eradicating a problem in its supply chain?
  • Has it had demonstrable impact? How is success measured?

Open to any fashion brand, retailer or manufacturer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award recognises the role technological innovation plays in making fashion more sustainable. It is open to retailers, brands and manufacturers that can show how use of technology over the past 12 months has helped to achieve greater sustainability within their business. For example, you may have started using artificial intelligence to better forecast customer demand; introduced new 3D-design software or fit technology; or used new technology to reduce waste at manufacturing stage.

Please note that if you are a technology/software supplier, you must ask a partner retailer/brand to enter the project.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the initiative have clear aims and objectives?
  • Does your technology solve a sustainability problem facing the fashion industry?
  • Does it meet a clear need in the market?
  • Is it scalable?
  • Has it had demonstrable impact? How is success measured?

Open to an established wholesale or direct-to-consumer fashion brand that has been operating in the UK and/or Ireland for at least two years (newer brands should enter One to Watch).

This award recognises the fashion brand that has made the most progress towards its sustainability goals over the past 12 months. Judges will be looking for a clear sustainability strategy that incorporates relevant and achievable objectives, and evidence that these objectives have been met in part or in full. Please include as much detail as possible about specific initiatives, innovations or collaborations that enabled the business to deliver the strategy.

Where relevant, brands should also highlight how they have worked with their suppliers to improve working conditions and/or reduce the amount of waste in the supply chain over the past 12 months. Judges will be looking for evidence of constructive engagement with suppliers.

Please note that retailers or marketplaces should enter Retailer of the Year. More traditional or established retailers that wish to highlight their recent efforts to be sustainable can enter the Positive Change Award.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the brand have clear sustainability aims and objectives?
  • Has the business outlined its sustainability strategy and referenced specific initiatives/innovations/collaborations?
  • Has the brand made progress towards its sustainability goals? How is success measured?
  • Has the business worked with suppliers to improve working conditions and/or reduce waste in the supply chain?

Open to fashion brands and retailers that have been trading in the UK and/or Ireland for between one and three years.

The One to Watch award recognises new and emerging fashion brands or retailers that are built on sustainable values. We are looking for evidence that a start-up is both sustainable and commercially viable, so entrants must be able to demonstrate early signs of financial success, and wholesale brands should include a list of stockists.

Judges will whittle the shortlist down to the Top 5 finalists who will be required to present live at Drapers Den during Drapers Sustainable Fashion Conference on 13 March 2024. The winner will then be announced at the awards ceremony in the evening of 13 March 2024.

Qualifying period

October 2020 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the brand have clear sustainability aims and objectives?
  • Has the business outlined its sustainability strategy and referenced specific initiatives/innovations/collaborations?
  • Has the brand made progress towards its sustainability goals? How is success measured?
  • Does it meet a clear need in the market?
  • Is it scalable?
  • Do you have a clear strategy for growth?
  • Are your proposition and marketing clearly differentiated from competitors’?

Open to any fashion brand or retailer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

At Drapers we recognise that many of the more established fashion brands and retailers were not necessarily built on sustainable values, but they are still making serious efforts to improve their operations.

The Positive Change Award recognises the established brand or retailer that has made the most progress towards its sustainability goals over the past 12 months. Judges will be looking for a clear sustainability strategy that incorporates relevant and achievable objectives, and evidence that these objectives have been met in part or in full. Please include as much detail as possible about specific initiatives, innovations or collaborations that enabled the business to deliver the strategy.

Where relevant, companies should also highlight how they have worked with their suppliers to improve working conditions and/or reduce the amount of waste in the supply chain over the past 12 months. Judges will be looking for evidence of constructive engagement with suppliers.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the brand have clear sustainability aims and objectives?
  • Has the business outlined its sustainability strategy and referenced specific initiatives/innovations/collaborations?
  • Has the brand made progress towards its sustainability goals? How is success measured?
  • Has the business worked with suppliers to improve working conditions and/or reduce waste in the supply chain?
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Open to fashion rental, resale and recycling companies operating in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award recognises the emerging breed of fashion companies that are built on circular values, such as rental or buying and selling second hand. Judges will be looking for evidence of growth over the past 12 months, both in terms of brand awareness and financially, as well as new collaborations and innovations.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Have you provided evidence of initial financial success, which could include projected figures and details of outside investment?
  • Is your business model built on circular values?
  • Does it meet a clear need in the market?
  • Is it scalable?
  • Do you have a clear strategy for growth?
  • Are your proposition and marketing clearly differentiated from competitors’?

Open to any fashion retailer that operates in the UK and/or Ireland.

This award recognises the fashion retailer, direct-to-consumer brand (without a wholesale presence) or marketplace that has sustainable values at its core.

Judges will be looking for a clear sustainability strategy that incorporates relevant and achievable objectives, and evidence that these objectives have been met in part or in full. Please include as much detail as possible about specific initiatives, innovations or collaborations that enabled the business to deliver the strategy.

Where relevant, retailers should also highlight how they have worked with their suppliers to improve working conditions and/or reduce the amount of waste in the supply chain over the past 12 months. Judges will be looking for evidence of constructive engagement with suppliers.

Please note that wholesale brands should enter Brand of the Year. More traditional or established retailers that wish to highlight their recent efforts to be sustainable can enter the Positive Change Award.

Qualifying period

October 2022 – September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the retailer have clear sustainability aims and objectives?
  • Has the business outlined its sustainability strategy and referenced specific initiatives/innovations/collaborations?
  • Has the brand made progress towards its sustainability goals? How is success measured?
  • Has the business worked with suppliers to improve working conditions and/or reduce waste in the supply chain?

This award recognises an individual who has led a cultural shift within their business and the wider fashion industry within the past 12 months. The Sustainable Fashion Champion will have gone above and beyond the normal requirements of the day job to bring about positive change.

You can nominate yourself or a colleague. Eligible candidates must work for or own a fashion brand, retailer or supplier, a higher education institution or an association that is based in the UK or Ireland.

Please provide clear examples of at least one initiative led by this individual over the past 12 months that has transformed the way the business and/or industry thinks and operates for the better. Include evidence of the positive impact/outcomes.

The Sustainable Fashion Champion 2024 will be chosen by the Drapers editorial team.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

This award recognises a bricks-and-mortar store with an outstanding sustainable design and visual merchandising offer. Strong design, creativity and presentation of product appropriate to the brand and its customer base should be balanced with enhanced sustainable credentials, such as responsibly sourced materials.

The Sustainable Store Design category can be entered either directly by the retailer or by the appointed design agency and architect on its behalf.

Qualifying period

October 2022 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Did the design concept work from conception to execution?
  • Does it have a sustainable design and visual merchandising offer?
  • Is it visually creative, easy to navigate and appropriate to its target customer?
  • Is the concept innovative: have we seen these ideas before?
  • Does the interior make this store stand out from its competitors?

Open to textile manufacturers, designers and brands, this award recognises innovative, sustainable alternatives to traditional textiles – for example, textiles made from repurposed formerly discarded byproducts, or lab-grown cultures. As well as evidence of sustainable credentials, judges will examine the commercial viability of each submission. The innovation must have been developed within the past three years.

Qualifying period

October 2020 - September 2023

This item is not available

Criteria against which you will be judged:

  • Does the initiative have clear aims and objectives?
  • Does your innovation solve a sustainability problem facing the fashion industry?
  • Does it meet a clear need in the market?
  • Is it scalable?
  • Has it had demonstrable impact? How is success measured?